Today is 01/11/2025 -
6 Dundee Park
Andover, MA 01810
(978) 474-0540
The information package regarding 5785 High Holiday observation at CBI has been pubished:
If you feel like you might be able to assist us with the ‘Hagbah‘ function (lifting the Torah) at any of the portions of the service where that takes place, we will appreciate your help!
Please let Janet know of your willingness to assist! And THANK YOU!
5785 High Holidays – Memory Book
As we begin to ready ourselves for the approaching High Holidays, we want to remember our loved ones who are no longer with us. One way to do that, is to memorialize their names in our 5785 Memory Book.
The Memory Book requires a substantial amount of lead time to produce so the sign-up form is coming out ahead of the general High Holy Day information packet. Please fill out the attached Memory Book Entry Form with the names of your loved ones you wish to memorialize in this way. This form must be received in the CBI office by no later than Friday, September 6th to be included in the CBI Memory Book 5785, which will be used on Yom Kippur and during all Yizkor services throughout the upcoming year.
Please click here to access our Memory Book Entry Form
You can complete the form online and either: