Today is 03/06/2025 -

Congregation Beth Israel

A spiritual oasis for the Jewish community

6 Dundee Park
Andover, MA 01810

(978) 474-0540

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CBI’s 2nd Annual Book Discussion


January 5, 2020    
9:30 am - 12:00 pm

CBI’s 2nd Annual Book Discussion
Sunday, Januart 5, 2020

Learning from the Germans: Race and the memory of Evil By Susan Neiman

Come to discuss the book together
Breakfast at 9:30am – Discussion at 10:00 am

Copies of the book are available at CBI to borrow. There is also an audio version, and libraries have copies to loan.

RSVP by 12/31 to Amy, call:978-474-0540 or

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