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Congregation Beth Israel

A spiritual oasis for the Jewish community

6 Dundee Park
Andover, MA 01810

(978) 474-0540

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Adult Education – 613 Commandments


January 8, 2017    
9:30 am - 12:00 pm

CBI’s Adult Education Committee Presents



“According to our Tradition, we Jews are called upon to observe hundreds of different mitzvot, or commandments, 613 being the most commonly accepted number. Yet, the rabbis and sages of old, being the pragmatists that they were, recognized that we all have only so much time in our busy lives and thus asked the following question, a question that we will be discussing and seeking to answer: “Assuming one’s time is limited, is there one or more obligations that are possibly more important to carry out than the others?” In other words, while all of the mitzvot are important and should be fulfilled, are there any that we might call “the most important” to fulfill, if our time is limited?

With all we have going on in our lives, this session will hopefully help us best prioritize our time religiously.”

Sunday, January 8, 2017

  • 9:30am Minyan
  • 10:15am Breakfast
  • 10:45am Program

RSVPs are appreciated by Thursday, 1/5, to Amy,, 978.474.0540.

Please inform us of any food allergies/dietary restrictions.

Please join us, and bring your friends. There is no cost to attend.